Statistical support
CTSI's Biostatistical Design and Analysis Center (BDAC) team provides project-based statistical consulting and analysis support, including for Masonic Cancer Center studies which are supported by the MCC Biostatistics Core that is integrated into the BDAC team.
Grant proposal preparation
- Study design consultation and evaluation
- Write statistical analysis section
- Sample size and power calculations
- Review and edit proposal
Statistical analysis
- Protocol development and review
- Data analysis
- Tables, figures, and interpretation of analysis results
- Interim analysis and reports for DSMB/DMC review
- Writing statistical methods sections for manuscripts and review of other sections
Associated fees and funding for services
Initial BDAC consultations, consultations during its weekly office hours, and reviews provided during a CRSC Feasibility Review are provided free of charge to the investigator, study team, or department.
BDAC provides grant preparation support at no cost to University investigators and at reduced rates for community partners provided the BDAC biostatistician(s) are included in the grant budget at appropriate levels of salary support.
Other methods of funding biostatistical support include:
- Departmental funding. Departments with funding for biostatistical support
- Hourly rates
Office hours
Contact us to coordinate access to office hours:
- Mondays 4-5pm (for cancer-related projects or MCC members)
- Tuesdays 1-3pm
- Wednesdays 10-11am (for cancer-related projects or MCC members)
- Thursdays 10am-12pm
[email protected]