Feasibility reviews
Strengthen your study protocol with the help of our award-winning feasibility review service.
Valuable insights from experts in up to 20 areas — all at once
- Biospecimen support
- ClinicalTrials.gov
- Clinics and Surgery Center
- Community engagement
- Finances
- Informatics
- M Health Fairview
- Monitoring
- OnCore
- Professional training
- REDCap
- Recruitment
- Regulatory
- Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA)
- Statistics
- …and more

What you’ll get
- Concrete ideas for strengthening your protocol
- Help identifying potential barriers or concerns
- Project readiness assessment
- Connections to resources and tools
- Study start-up guidance
One week from start to finish

1. Protocol shared
Experts on various aspects of clinical research review the protocol and other materials, such as consent forms, budget, and recruitment materials.
2. Review and assessment
Experts flag areas of concern that may lead to IRB stipulations.
3. Meeting with experts
Receive constructive feedback on your protocol and discuss solutions with experts — all in a single meeting.
4. Written summary
Receive detailed guidance on strengthening your protocol. Guidance ranges from recommended protocol language to research services to consider tapping into.
“I got an incredible amount of extremely valuable information as we went around the room and each expert weighed in on different aspects of the study."
- Investigator Amy Krentzman, MSW, PhD
“We [quickly] understand what the barriers are for that particular project and try to help the investigator work through those barriers.”
- Timothy Schacker, MD, Vice Dean for Research, Medical School
What users say
"This was a fabulous experience. I have been writing UMN IRB protocols for years, and this is the most educational and supportive experience I have had in the past 10 years. Well done, and bravo for the workflow you have generated here."
“One of the most helpful resources I've experienced as a tenure track faculty member."
“Extremely thorough and the short amount of time it took from protocol submission to the review was excellent.”
"This was my first clinical research study, and I can’t imagine getting it up and running without the CRSC."
“It was fast and transparent.”
“Every member was well prepared and organized. There was no dead air. Each member presented their points succinctly.”
“It is very helpful to get a lot of different perspectives to the table, very useful to have a direct exchange."
“Highly comprehensive. Constructive suggestions.”
“Very well organized and efficient. Reviewers' comments were well explained, and suggested changes/additions to the text of the protocol were very helpful. It was both educational and immensely useful as a PI who is new to the university."
Office hours
Contact us to coordinate access to office hours:
- Available during regular business hours
[email protected]